
We’re feeling sad. One of our patients died. One of the vets spent an enormous amount of their own time working on this patient. There is a feeling of deflation.

The owner will be devastated.

Could we have done more? With calm reflection – I don’t think so. So why do we all feel so guilty? It seems to be a veterinary thing. We are very good at being hard on ourselves. Perhaps it’s because we’re acutely aware that veterinary care is expensive, and we want to provide a successful outcome for the cost? I don’t know.

The veterinary industry seems like an ideal system to work in – cuddles and kissed from the cuties, successful outcomes, happy owners – but it has a downside.

One of Forth Valley Veterinary Clinic’s values is “Compassion”. We take this value seriously. We feel it deeply. We grieve with our clients when things don’t go well for their pets. It’s fatiguing. But it’s what keeps us striving forwards! 

It’s compassion for animals that gets us into this profession and keeps us here. And we think we’re pretty good at it!

♥️ Dr Rach xoxo


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Cat Aggression