Dosing Compilance

Dosing Compliance? What does this mean for you and your pet? How important is it? What even is dosing compliance? 

Whenever your pet becomes sick, most people immediately think that there will need to be some pain relief and antibiotics involved, correct? Many gastrointestinal problems can involve infections and inflammatory responses which can be reduced, resolved, and maintained on medications. However, if the script/dosing guidelines are not followed and/or forgotten, this can lead to resistant bacteria, reoccurrence of disease and repercussions for your pet. 

Let’s focus on antibiotics for a moment. All antibiotics have been studied through research and in laboratories on cultured bacteria to find the best results possible. These experiments have been done numerous times to find the right dosing to prevent resistance, find the right dose rates to reduce nasty bacteria in an appropriate time frame and to prevent the recurrence of disease. When 

you forget to give your pet the medication they need, you create resistance to nasty, you increase the risk of re-infection and that antibiotic becomes less effective for other patients in the future.


Arthritis and Our Pets

