Exercise for Older Doggos

The best rule for exercising your older dog is little and often. It’s important to keep those joints mobile. Several regular short walks throughout the day is much more effective than one long walk per day. And one long walk a week or twice a week can often make things much worse. 

If your dog is limping, it’s important to seek advice and treatment from your Vet, first and foremost, prior to implementing an exercise program. 

Which types of exercises will doggo thank you for? 

· Gentle walks on grassy and uneven turf 

Uneven turf helps with ‘proprioception’ – the involuntary muscle contractions involved with keeping balance. Soft surface such as grass will help reduce the impact on their joints. Don’t over do walks, and always be aware if she needs a rest. 

· Swimming at the beach or pool 

Non-weight bearing activities such as swimming will still work their muscles and heart, but without the impact on sore joints. Introduce swimming slowly and maybe even buy a flotation vest! 

· Obstacle courses – easy to set them up at home! More on this in future posts… 

· Games such as hide and seek or tug of war – More on these in future posts… 

AVOID fast exercise such as ball throwing with sudden changes in direction or speed or prolonged exercise. Always pay close attention to your dog for any signs of discomfort or tiredness.

The oldies still need their exercise!


Games for Your Older Dog - Physical and Mental Stimulation


Signs your Dog might be in Pain