Senior Health Checks

As our pets get older they can be more prone to certain medical issues and may need a bit more attention. 


There are many issues that can affect our pets as they age and, as with all things, if we pick these early we can stop the progression and help your pet to live a longer, happier and more comfortable life. 


One of the things to consider as your pet ages is changing their diet to one specifically formulated for elderly pets.  These diets have lower energy, as elderly animals tend not to exercise as much and are at risk of becoming overweight. There are also specific diets that can help if your pet suffers from Arthritis or other medical conditions. Your vet may prescribe these if they are indicated. 


Regular vet checks (at least every six months) in older pets can help us pick up any disease process early. At these checks your vet will perform a thorough physical. Elderly pets are more prone to dental disease and your vet will check your pet’s teeth carefully at each visit – picking up early dental disease. 


At these checks your vet may also advise to have bloods performed for a general blood profile to check your pet’s organ function, blood count and electrolyte levels. 


Frequent blood tests will help to show any trends and point out early organ failure (especially important for kidney function). Also as pet’s age, their joints can be affected by Arthritis. 


If these and other conditions are detected in the early stages, treatment regimes implemented by your vet can help keep your pet comfortable and slow the progression of some illnesses.


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